
Sliding Fee Discount Application/Aplicación de Descuento por Tarifa Corriente

Discounts are offered based on family size and annual income. Please complete the application and return to the front desk to determine if you or members of your family are eligible for a discount. The discount will apply to all services received at this clinic, but not those services or equipment that are purchased from outside, including reference laboratory testing, drugs, and x-ray interpretation by a consulting radiologist, and other such services. This form must be completed every 12 months or earlier, if your financial situation changes.
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COVID-19 in New Mexico»

NMDOH now has more tools and resources than ever before to prevent and treat COVID. People at highest risk for severe COVID-19 are people over the age of 65 and individuals who are immunocompromised. Although daily reporting of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and tests ended in conjunction with the end of the national Public Health Emergency, NMDOH continues to monitor week-by-week trends.